Jay Turner

Jay Turner

Head of the Division of Engineering Education; Vice Dean for Education, James McKelvey Professor of Engineering Education

Air Quality Management, Air Pollutant Exposures, Biomarkers Metals Analysis, Air Toxics Metals, Green Engineering

Hongxi Yin

Hongxi Yin

Associate Professor

Building Decarbonization

Derek Hoeferlin

Derek Hoeferlin

Associate Professor and Chair, Landscape Architecture

Water-Based Design, Integrated Watershed Management, Architecture Landscape, Architecture Urban Design

Daniel Giammar

Daniel Giammar

Walter E. Browne Professor of Environmental Engineering; Director, Center for the Environment

Drinking Water Treatment, Contaminant Fate And Transport Carbon Sequestration, Lead Corrosion, Control Metals In The Environment

Catalina Freixas

Catalina Freixas

Associate Professor

Urban Humanities Research And Practice, Neighborhood Resiliency, Urban Design, Sustainable And Resilient Design

Michael Frachetti

Michael Frachetti

Professor of Archaeology

Human Mobility, Eurasian Nomadism/Urbanism, Cultural Ecology, Geospatial Modeling, Ancient Genomics

David Fike

David Fike

Chair of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Isotope Biogeochemistry, Earth History, Sulfur Cycling, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)

Rajan Chakrabarty

Rajan Chakrabarty

Harold D. Jolley Career Development Associate Professor

Wildfires, Geoengineering, Air Pollution, Infectious Disease Detection and Modeling, Public Policy, Instrumentation and Devices, Satellite Remote Sensing

Jeffrey Catalano

Jeffrey Catalano

Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Director of Environmental Studies

Contaminants; Critical Elements, Biogeochemistry of Soils and Aquatic Systems

Alexander Bradley

Alexander Bradley

​Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences Director of Graduate Studies

Biogeochemistry, Microbiology, Geology, Organic geochemistry, Geospatial

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