Natalie Mueller

Natalie Mueller

Assistant Professor

Domestication, Agriculture, Agrobiodiversity

Roger Michaelides

Roger Michaelides

Assistant Professor

Radar Remote Sensing, Geodesy, Field Geophysics, Permafrost, Arctic Science

Claire Masteller

Claire Masteller

Assistant Professor

Geomorphology, Sediment Transport, Landscape Evolution

Randall Martin

Randall Martin

Raymond R. Tucker Distinguished Professor

Air Quality Aerosols, Fine Particulate Matter, Modeling, Satellite Remote Sensing

Beth Martin

Beth Martin

Teaching Professor in Environmental Studies

Climate Change, UNFCCC, Experiential And Engaged Teaching And Educaiton

Suzanne Loui

Suzanne Loui

Lecturer, Environmental Studies

U.S. Agrarian Democracy, Great Plains, 19th Century, Public Perception Of Energy Technologies, Environmental Modernism

Xinyi Liu

Xinyi Liu

Associate Professor of Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology, Food Globalization In Prehistory, Pathways To Domestication

Ben Kumfer

Ben Kumfer

Research Assistant Professor

Decarbonization Technologies, Combustion Energy Systems, Health Effects Of Combustion Particles, Flame/Aerosol Synthesis Of Materials

Bronwen Konecky

Bronwen Konecky

Assistant Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences

Paleoclimate, Global Water Cycle, Climate Models

Young-Shin Jun

Young-Shin Jun


Environmental Nanochemistry, Nucleation Co2 Capture And Storage, Resource Recovery Clean Water

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